About Our Skydiving School
Premier Training Academy
Keep Moving Forward
Skydive Ratings is unlike any other skydiving school in the industry. We operate full-time, year-round, building knowledge, skills, and confidence within goal-oriented skydivers from all over the US and Europe. Our multi-disciplined team of instructors challenges candidates every hour of every training day – while having a ton of fun.

Core Offerings
Check out our Course Calendar for upcoming instructional rating courses.
*Required for IE rating in any USPA discipline
Recurrency Training
Skydive Ratings is your source for recurrency training and certification for expired ratings. In most cases, foreign rating holders with a current rating from their country can challenge the USPA rating course in that discipline. FAI licenses must display the FAI logo. (Most national organizations will issue them on request.)

Overseas Courses
Between April and September, when most North American DZs are in high gear, we are typically available to travel with advanced notice and upon request. If you are interested in hosting courses at your dropzone, get in touch!
One Stop Shop
Why Choose Us
Full-Time School
Instruction is our full-time focus. We operate seven days a week during our high season, October through April.
Every ratings course is backed by a robust and thoughtfully-designed curriculum, empowering training continuity and progression. We respect our students’ time, commitment of resources, and professional goals. If an instructional rating course is published on our calendar, it happens – regardless of how many people enroll.

Excellent Instruction
Skydive Ratings is owned and operated by internationally-renowned skydiver and teacher, Bram Clement. Supported by a team of highly experienced and sought after skydiving examiners and evaluators, Skydive Ratings offers exceptional training.
Courses are rigorous, class sizes are intentionally small, and the environment is conducive to learning. We will help you gain mastery of the training curriculum; arm you with materials and resources to promote retention; and treat you with respect.
Spirit of Camaraderie
Unfortunately, most skydiving schools value hierarchy and intimidation over collaboration. There’s an us vs. them mentality where the examiner is superior to their student who must go through the wringer to prove themselves. We don’t play those games.
At Skydive Ratings, we champion camaraderie and community over competition. We are deliberate in fostering a positive and welcoming atmosphere. We are here to work with you, in support of your progression.

Purpose-Built Facilities
Location & Equipment
Skydive Ratings operates from our flagship campus at Skydive City, our partner dropzone – a stellar DZ with excellent amenities and a reputation for being the world’s friendliest dropzone. When demand requires, we train at Skydive Sebastian on Florida’s stunning east coast.
We don’t lack fundamental training tools or best-in-class equipment; we have it all.