The Static Line & Instructor Assisted Deployment Instructor Courses
SL/IAD Instructor Courses
Course Overview
The “classic” static line and IAD deployment method. Many dropzones are using this method, some as a full student progression, some with hybrid programs.
The great thing about this is that students focus more on their canopy flight during the first few jumps, without having to worry about the freefall. And in a day and age where injuries predominantly occur under canopy, this type of approach should definitely be considered by many more DZs. Both of these ratings are all about teaching, dispatching students, canopy flight observation, and debrief.

Price of the Course
- $325 for coaches
- $225 for current instructors
- Plus jump slots for both you and the evaluator
Upcoming Course Dates
Additional Information
How long is the course?
- For non-instructors, the course is three days. We need approximately two days to cover ground topics and one day for jumping.
- For current instructors, the course duration is one to one and a half days. It’s about half a day for ground topics and half a day for jumping.
Who should pursue this rating?
The Static Line and IAD methods are not as common as AFF, so usually the skydivers who go for these ratings are those that jump at DZs that offer this type of progression.
If you enjoy being a coach and feel like you can step up at your DZ and start teaching FJC, take students on their first jump, and teach them the foundation of skydiving, then a SL/IAD Instructor rating is for you!
What does this rating allow me to do?
You’ll be able to:
- Teach full FJC, and take students up from their first jump in the SL/IAD method
- Sign off on Licenses, special training, and Coach renewals
- Supervise and mentor coaches, and “coaches to be”
How can I prepare?
For the ground training, follow along with instructors at your DZ to see how they train students for their first jump and start assisting them in their ground prep.
For the in-air skills, get briefed by one of your instructors on the methods to dispatch students, and practice that with fellow experienced skydivers. It works great when you have a teammate who’s also going for this rating because you can dispatch each other and get experience from both the student and instructor perspectives.
Part of the pre-course activities is also to complete 4 dispatches with experienced skydivers.
What should I expect?
For current instructors, this is a very hands-on, practical course. It’s all about practicing the static line setup or the student dispatch in the door. For coaches, we’re also going to cover the initial student progression, ground training for first-time jumpers, and also freefall skills to accompany the students in their longer delays.
How do I pass the course?
- Complete a satisfactory Category D freefall and canopy training (only for non-instructors)
- Score satisfactory on a category D jump (only for non-instructors)
- Complete a satisfactory Category B ground training
- Score satisfactory on jump-mastering 2 Static-Line or IAD “students” including the competence to spot
How do I keep the rating current?
Within your membership cycle (yearly) you’ll have to complete and provide verification of:
- 15 dispatched in your rated method
- Assisting in an SL or IAD First Jump Course
- Participating in a Rating Renewal Seminar
What if my rating expires?
Expired for less than 2 years:
- Complete one satisfactory SL/IAD course Evaluation dispatch with an SL/IAD Examiner or Designated evaluator
- Complete the SL/IAD pre-course exam
- Assist in an FJC
- Participate in a Rating Renewal Seminar
Expired for more than 2 years:
- Retake and pass the full SL/IAD Course