Instructor Examiner Course
USPA Instructor Examiner Course
Course Overview
During an IE course, you will review and understand higher level concepts regarding leadership, facilitating courses and teaching methodologies.
The course will prepare you to work under examiners and understand the “behind the scenes” of any type of course, or it will solidify what you have learned as a course evaluator. It’s the only course that is only on the ground, no jumping involved.

It should go without saying, but we expect every Examiner candidate to be a seasoned and experienced Instructor, who has completely mastered the delivery and methodology of teaching.
In addition to that, you need to have:
Price of the Course
Upcoming Course Dates:
Additional Information
How long is the course?
The IE course is a 3-day ground course, meaning that there is no jumping.
Who should pursue this rating?
The Instructor Examiner Rating is the highest rating you can earn within the USPA structure. It’s for those who live and breathe parachuting, and have a passion for the sport and for teaching that goes beyond themselves.
An Examiner is someone who has completely mastered the teaching methodologies, delivery of information, and technical knowledge, but who also possesses emotional intelligence and deep interpersonal skills, as being an Examiner is much more about being a leader of people than a simple Instructor who gives out ratings.
As an Examiner, you will be directly influencing and inspiring the next generation of skydivers, in addition to being a reference point and a mentor at any DZ you may go to or visit. If earning an Instructional rating is a step up in accountability and responsibility, earning an Examiner Rating means rising up to the highest standards.
What does this rating allow me to do?
Successfully completing an IERC will make you eligible to earn the Examiner rating for whichever method you are pursuing.
Depending on how far you are down the “pipeline”, the IERC course might be the last step to earning the Examiner rating and starting teaching courses without supervision, or it might be the first step in your journey.
How can I prepare?
Again, it should go without saying that an Examiner candidate is expected to be a seasoned Instructor with extensive experience in teaching and leadership positions.
As an Examiner Candidate, you are expected to arrive at this course with a thorough understanding of the materials, and no need for a review or retraining in the Basics of Instruction. We also expect you to adhere to those principles throughout the course.
At the course we will go over almost all of the Examiner section of the IRM – Section E.
Some of the topics that will be discussed at the course include leadership skills and situational leadership, conflict resolution, skill analysis, the USPA structure and how it functions, the standard with which we grade candidates, etc.
What should I expect?
This course is supposed to be the perfect example of the “reverse classroom” concept, where it should be the candidates who brief the Examiner on the course material, and where the learning happens more out of discussion and workshops, rather than lectures.
You are also expected to know how to prepare the classroom, prepare and schedule lessons, and also manage time throughout the 3-day course.
What are the method-specific requirements?
In addition to successfully completing the Examiner Rating Course, for each method, there are different sets of requirements that need to be met.
Coach Examiner Requirements:
- Completed at least 100 actual freefall student training jumps within the past 12 months or 300 freefall training jumps total.
- Conducted at least 25 solo student first jump courses. You must also provide manifest records or other proof of conducting the solo first jump courses.
- Conducted at least 25 Coach air evaluation jumps
- Conducted at least 25 Coach ground evaluations
- Attended a biennial Coach standardization meeting within the last 2 years.
- Teach 2 full courses under the supervision of a Vetting Examiner
AFF Examiner Requirements:
- Completed at least 500 actual AFF jumps
- Conducted at least 50 solo student first jump courses. You must also provide manifest records or other proof of conducting the solo first jump courses
- Conducted at least 50 AFF evaluation jumps used for candidate scoring. (Practice jumps may not be counted toward the required minimum number of 50 evaluation jumps, they must be actual course jumps that are scored for the certification course requirements.)
- Conducted at least 25 AFF ground evaluations
- Attended a biennial AFF standardization meeting within the last 2 years
- Teach 2 full courses under the supervision of a Vetting Examiner
SL/IAD Examiner Requirements:
- Completed at least 250 actual freefall student training jumps
- Completed at least 250 actual static-line or IAD student dispatches
- Conducted at least 50 solo student first-jump courses. You must also provide manifest records or other proof of conducting the solo first jump courses.
- Conducted at least 25 method-specific static-line or IAD evaluation jumps
- Conducted at least 25 static-line or IAD ground evaluations
- Attended a biennial SL/IAD standardization meeting within the last 2 years
- Teach 2 full courses under the supervision of a Vetting Examiner
Tandem Examiner Requirements:
- Completed at least 500 actual tandem jumps
- Conducted at least 50 solo AFF, SL, IAD or solo student transition first jump courses. You must also provide manifest records or other proof of conducting the solo first jump courses
- Conducted at least 25 tandem air evaluation jumps, 15 of which must be made evaluating a Cat-A or Cat-B candidate training jump
- Conducted at least 25 tandem ground evaluations, 15 of which must be made evaluating a Cat-A or Cat-B candidate ground training
- Current manufacturer examiner endorsement for the equipment type in use for the rating course
- Attended a biennial tandem standardization meeting within the last 2 years.
- Teach 2 full courses under the supervision of a Vetting Examiner
How do I pass the course?
In addition to understanding and applying all of the material from IRM Coach section 4, and from the IRM Examiner section, you will need to:
- Score 100% on the open answer Examiner test, which must be completed before the course
- Score 100% on a total of three presentations, two skydiving related, and one non-skydiving related
- Score at least 80% on two skill analysis video debriefs
How do I keep the rating current?
- Within the previous 24 months, conducted or attended and assisted in a full Rating Course and taught at least 50% of one Instructor Rating Course in each discipline for which the Examiner is qualified to conduct the course.
- Meets the annual renewal requirements for the appropriate instructional rating. (Teaching at least 50% of the academic portion of any IRC meets the annual FJC requirement for that instructional rating.)
- Attend a USPA biennial standardization meeting, within the last 2 years, for the appropriate examiner rating
What if my rating expires?
- Persons with an expired Examiner rating, up to two years, must attend and assist in an entire Rating Course and teach at least 50% in the appropriate discipline, under the direct supervision of the supervising Examiner and obtain the endorsement of the supervising Examiner
- For persons with an expired Examiner rating of more than two years must requalify under the direct supervision of a supervising Examiner by successfully conducting an entire discipline-specific course and act as an evaluator for at least two air evaluations and two ground evaluations
- Attend a USPA standardization meeting, within the last two years, for the appropriate examiner rating.