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USPA Coach Course

Skydive City 4241 Sky Dive Ln, Zephyrhills, FL, United States

More info on the course: Skydive Ratings – the #1 Rated School in the World – Bram Clement’s Instructional Rating School. Please visit for course information, a full course calendar, and online registration. Questions? Send a message to or text/call (813) 312-5651. We also have WhatsApp available for foreign skydivers (0018133125651). Thank […]

coach course

Skydive City 4241 Sky Dive Ln, Zephyrhills, FL, United States

The coach course is the foundational course that all the other ratings are built upon. You’ll learn about the psychology and methodology of teaching, lesson design, the freefall and canopy skills that are specific to in-air teaching, and you’ll learn how to observe and debrief yourself, a student, or a fellow skydiver.

AFF course

Skydive City 4241 Sky Dive Ln, Zephyrhills, FL, United States

The AFF rating course is likely to be one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences you will ever undertake in skydiving! Chances are, if you ask your AFFIs about it, they’ll still remember the course. The course is very heavily focused on freefall skills. If you need to be a ninja to freefly, then […]

coach course

Skydive City 4241 Sky Dive Ln, Zephyrhills, FL, United States

The coach course is the foundational course that all the other ratings are built upon. You’ll learn about the psychology and methodology of teaching, lesson design, the freefall and canopy skills that are specific to in-air teaching, and you’ll learn how to observe and debrief yourself, a student, or a fellow skydiver.

Tandem course

Skydive City 4241 Sky Dive Ln, Zephyrhills, FL, United States

The TI course has the steepest learning curve. If you think about it, strapping a stranger to yourself and using a rig that is twice as complicated as a normal one does not make any sense! Only those who have done it can really appreciate its beauty and fun. During the course, you’ll feel like […]