Coach Pre-Course
No Prerequisites Required
Course Overview
We recently re-designed our Coach pre-course structure to make it more practical, engaging, hands on and, ultimately, FUN!
The pre-course is now more focused (weather permitting) on belly freefall skills, and canopy flight observation and debrief.
There will be one or more Freefall jumps, with specific canopy dive flows, that are shaped after the canopy items you’ll be teaching as a coach, and on an accurate and safe flare on landing.
We will also cover basic teaching methodology, so that you’ll also practice teaching the freefall and canopy dive flows, and get a chance to get your feet wet with ground preps and basic instructional methods.
If the weather is bad, we will focus the pre-course on ground preps and ground briefings, if the weather is good, we will focus on the practical jumping.

Anyone, with any experience can join, regardless if you are planning to take the coach course or not. This will greatly increase your awareness under canopy, and your ability to self debrief your own landings.
Price of the Course
- $100
- Plus jump slots for you and your evaluator.
Upcoming Course Dates:
Sigma, Wings, Strong and USPA Tandem Instructor Course — Full
Coach Pre-Course
April 4 @ 8:30 am - April 6 @ 5:00 pm
Additional Information
How long is the course?
One full day of jumping!
Who should pursue this rating?
Anyone that wants to improve their basic freefall and canopy flight skills! You don’t even need to want to become a Coach or Instructor to benefit from this one-day course!
This course will also teach you basic canopy flight concepts as it pertains to accuracy and proper flare, and will also give you the tools to properly observe and deconstruct a canopy plan, pattern, and flare.
How can I prepare?
No prep is needed! That’s another one of the benefits of this course! Show up in the morning in our classroom, we’ll brief the skydive and the canopy flights, and up we go! No prior work or homework is needed!
What should I expect?
We will be doing one Freefall jump, which will be a G3 skydive (Fall rate to dock), where the evaluator will play the student, and you’ll play the coach. We’ll use that skydive to introduce some basic belly flying concepts and to give you appropriate and specific feedback on the areas you might need to improve.
Then, we will be doing two Hop n pops, where we will focus on flat turns/braked approaches, and reverse turns, since that’s part of the Canopy flight curriculum you will be teaching as a Coach.
However, we’ll also cover some tips and tricks for accuracy, and we will video your landings, so that we can both debrief your flares and also teach you how to observe and debrief the flare.