Other Tandem Manufacturers
Training For All USA Tandem Systems
System Overview
At Skydive Ratings, we offer training for Strong, Wings, and Racer tandem ratings.
The one thing that all those tandem rigs have in common, is that they all use the 3-ring drogue release system.
That means that the drogue is attached to the container via a 3-ring and that in order to open the parachute, the TI first releases the drogue via the 3-ring, which then opens the container just like a normal pilot chute would.
Our Equipment
- At Skydive Ratings, we have a Strong TNT system with a Set 366 main and a Wings Tandem system with a Precision 370.

The Course Jumps
Just like all the other Tandem courses, you’ll need a total of 10 jumps to earn the rating.
The first five must be done under the direct supervision of the Examiner, jump 6 through 10 can be done with indirect supervision.
The Wings and Strong course jumps closely resemble the dive flows for the Sigma (UPT) course dive flow, with some differences.
Upcoming Course Dates
Sigma, Wings, Strong and USPA Tandem Instructor Course — Full
Coach Pre-Course
April 4 @ 8:30 am - April 6 @ 5:00 pm
Additional Information
Is there a probation period?
Neither Strong nor Wings have a probationary period after getting your certification.
How do I keep the rating current?
Wings: 15 tandem jumps, 3 of which within 90 days, at least 1 of which (within 90 days) has to be with a Wings system.
- TIs with less than 500 tandems – at least 1 tandem within the last 30 days
- TIs with more than 500 tandems – at least 1 tandem within last 90 days
What if my rating expires?
- If you haven’t met the 90-day currency requirement, you’ll have to review SOP and EP and take an experienced skydiver (100 jumps or more) on a tandem.
- If you have not made a tandem in the last 6 months, you’ll have to review SOP and EP with a current instructor, and then take them on a tandem.
- If you have not made a tandem in the last 12 months, you’ll have to attend a recurrency seminar with an Examiner.
- Less than 500 tandems and uncurrent: One tandem with an experienced skydiver, under the supervision of a current Strong TI, after having reviewed Standard and Emergency Procedures.
- More than 500 tandems and uncurrent: One tandem with an experienced skydiver, after having reviewed Standard and Emergency Procedures
- If you have not made a tandem jump within the last 6 months: One tandem with a currently rated Strong TI, after having reviewed Standard and Emergency Procedures
- If you have not made a tandem jump within the last 12 months, undergo re-currency training with a Strong Examiner