Sigma/Vector Tandem Rating
Sigma/Vector Tandem Rating
System Overview
The one thing that sets a Sigma Tandem apart from all the rest is the Drogue Disc. This new deployment system almost canceled the “out of sequence” / ”drogue horseshoe” / ”container open but drogue not released” malfunction.
It is also the only tandem rig with that type of deployment device. Besides the main container closing system and the two extra drogue release handles, is almost the exact same as a sport rig. No other tandem system will resemble that many similarities to a sport rig.
Sigmas come in two sizes: Micro Sigma and Sigma, respectively for a main sized 340 and down, and 340 and up. The main pack size is pretty much the only difference, besides the size and weight of the systems.
Our Equipment
At Skydive Ratings, we have two Sigmas with Aerodyne A2 370 and one Micro Sigma with an A2 340.

The Course Jumps
Just like all the other Tandem courses, this is a 10-jump course.
- Jump 1 is a solo with the Sigma rig
- Jump 2 is a “front ride”, where you will be the Tandem passenger
- Jump 3 is a simple “vanilla” tandem and will be your first jump in the Instructor position
- Jump 4 will be the same as the previous but with the addition of two opposing 360 degree turns
- Jump 5, the last initial training jump will be an intentionally unstable exit, and then you’ll experience tandem terminal velocity (by delaying the deployment of the drogue) while doing 360 degree turns again, but in tandem freefall.
- After these 5 initial jumps, you will be able to take anyone with 100 jumps and a B-license on the front, for the remaining consolidation jumps.
You can find the exact dive flow in the Sigma Tandem Instructor Training Logbook.
Upcoming Course Dates
Sigma, Wings, Strong and USPA Tandem Instructor Course — Full
Coach Pre-Course
April 4 @ 8:30 am - April 6 @ 5:00 pm
Additional Information
Is there a probation period?
After your successful completion of the 10 training jumps, your paperwork will be signed, processed, and your ratings will be issued. At that point, you can take paying first-time students, however, you’ll still be under probation.
What that means is, you’ll have some restrictions as far as the conditions and students that you can jump with. Here are the probation requirements:
- Minimum Exit Altitude: 9,000ft AGL
- The passenger should be of similar or lesser size than the tandem instructor
- Maximum body weight for passenger is 200lbs
- Maximum height for passenger is 6’0” tall
- No relative work
- An experienced videographer may accompany the tandem pair.
Once you complete these 15 probationary jumps, you don’t need to send in any paperwork. At that point, you’ll be a full-fledged TI!
How do I keep the rating current?
Sigma currency is at least 3 tandems every 90 days and 25 tandems per year.
To renew your Sigma rating, which some DZs may require yearly, you’ll have to provide proof of 25 tandem in the last 365 days, 3 of which in the last 90 days. Also have reviewed SOP and EP, and have a current FAA medical.
What if my rating expires?
If you have not made a tandem in the preceding 90 days, you’ll have to take an experienced jumper (minimum 100 jumps) on a tandem. You do not need an Examiner to supervise this.
If you have not made a tandem in the preceding 180 days, you’ll have to undergo full recurrency training, which consists of a full SOP and EP review, including a hanging harness test. After that, you’ll have to do one solo and one jump with an experienced skydiver in the front.
If you have not made a Tandem in the previous 2 years, you will have to undergo full ground training again, the same as the initial class you took, and then complete a minimum of three jumps, one solo and two jumps with experienced skydivers acting as students