Tandem Ratings
Tandem Instructor Rating
Course Overview
The TI course has the steepest learning curve. If you think about it, strapping a stranger to yourself and using a rig that is twice as complicated as a normal one does not make any sense! Only those who have done it can really appreciate its beauty and fun.
During the course, you’ll feel like a student again. It feels awkward, the gear is complicated, you’re scared and anxious … but tandem after tandem you get more and more comfortable all the way to the point where you’re now a master in a new discipline… tandem skydiving!
The course is heavily focused on gear and procedures – knowing the gear, memorizing and being proficient with standard and emergency procedures, and then readapting the flying skills you already have to this tandem environment.
Becoming a TI is an awesome and exciting journey!

Price of the Course
- $425 for the ground course
- $250 for gear rental and packing for the first 5 jumps (Phase 1)
- $75 per jump for gear and packing for jumps 6-10 (Phase 2)
- Jump tickets for both you and the evaluator
Additional Information
How long is the course?
This is a 3-day course.
Day one is all ground class, with one or two jumps at the end of the day. Day two is the initial training jumps (phase 1), plus all the remaining classroom, and the third day is the consolidation jumps (phase 2).
Phase 1 is the first 5 training jumps, which have to take place under the direct supervision of the Examiner, Phase 2 is consolidation jumps, 6 through 10, which can take place outside of the course, under the indirect supervision of the examiners. Phase 1 and 2 makes up the total minimum 10 jumps.
Who should pursue this rating?
Do you crave connection with people? Do you thrive in stressful situations? Do you enjoy responsibility, money, and job security in the skydiving industry?
If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, then you are the perfect candidate for a Tandem Instructor rating!
Tandems allow you to connect with a total stranger, during one of the most meaningful and life-altering events of their life, all while getting paid to skydive. It is refreshing, purposeful and meaningful.
What does this rating allow me to do?
You will be able to:
- Take first-time students on their first jump
- Teach Tandem to Freefall transition First Jump Course
- Sign off licenses, renew coach ratings, jump with and do recurrency with students after their Category D
How can I prepare?
There are two main things you can do to prepare: get to know the gear, and become the most aware canopy pilot there ever was.
Know the gear because that’s one of the two biggest learning curves in the course. Get with a packer or a rigger, and have them explain the system to you. Put the rig on and touch all the handles. Maybe pack the rig a few times. Getting acquainted and knowledgeable with the gear will help you greatly.
The second thing is to really go deep into canopy flight planning. Under a tandem canopy you will have a higher workload, and landing off or being low in your pattern because of simply not paying attention to the wind is not acceptable at all. Know exactly what the winds are doing on every load you go on, and do not go out of your plan, not even for 10 feet. This will also help you greatly with the canopy part of the Tandem course.
What should I expect?
A lot of workload on your mind. But do not fret! We will do our best to put you at ease, be your support system throughout the training, and give you all the assistance and tools that you might need to learn and become a great and proficient TI.
It’s definitely going to be a fun and challenging couple of days!
How do I pass the course?
- Successfully complete all 10 training jumps (Phase 1 and Phase 2)
- Complete 2 full Tandem category A and 2 full Tandem category B jumps, from ground training all the way to student debrief.
- Demonstrate complete awareness and control during exit, freefall, canopy flight and landing.
How do I keep the rating current?
Within your membership cycle (yearly) you’ll have to complete and provide verification of:
- 15 Tandem jumps
- Meeting the manufacturer’s currency requirements
- Current FAA class 3 (or higher) medical
- Within the previous 6 months, completing a full in-harness tandem E.P. review
- Attending a Rating Renewal Seminar
- Conducting, assisting or reviewing Solo Student Transition Course or complete First Jump Course, and ground training for Tandem Categories A and B
What if my rating expires?
- Meet the manufacturer’s requirements for the ground training necessary before the tandem recertification jumps are conducted
- Meet the manufacturer’s requirements for tandem recertification jumps
- Conduct training or complete review training for Solo student First Jump Course and Tandem categories A and B
- Complete the Tandem Instructor Pre-course Exam
Upcoming Course Dates
Sigma, Wings, Strong – USPA Tandem rating course — Full
Coach Pre-Course
March 12 @ 8:00 am - March 14 @ 5:00 pm
Sigma, Wings, Strong and USPA Tandem Instructor Course
Coach Pre-Course
April 4 @ 8:30 am - April 6 @ 5:00 pm
Sigma, Wings, Strong – USPA Tandem rating course – SEBASTIAN
Coach Pre-Course
April 11 @ 8:30 am - April 13 @ 5:00 pm
Manufacturer Specific Ratings

Sigma/Vector Tandem Rating